Learning Center
Welcome to the WES Learning Center. Here you can find briefing materials for products and services, Team WES papers, posts and articles, and other interesting and informative information.
The Frick Environmental Center Monitoring System is a partnership between WES, Comcast, and Machine Q illustrating in real time sustainability in action. The system was designed to integrate data from all energy systems and water conservation systems calculating carbon savings. It is meant to serve as an educational tool for the public.

WES Briefing Materials
Who is WES Introduction Brief
Critical Facility Assessment Brief
Critical Facility BOD Assessment Brief
Foresite Solution Brief
Monitoring / EPMS Brief
WES Team interesting and Informative Articles
Unexpected Times: Do you have insight into your Critical Facility Data and Operations? An article by Mark Wesko, WES Chief Technical Officer.
A Reality Check – And a Plea for Help – Keep Our Work Family Strong. An article by Mark Wesko, WES Chief Technical Officer
Other Interesting and Informative Articles
Resilient Hospitals Handbook by Charles (Chuck) Manto, Earl Motzer, PhD., and James Terbush, MD, MDH Summary: Strengthening Healthcare and Public Health Resilience in Advance of a Prolonged and Widespread Power Outage.
Broadband Technology Report: Power in the network: Keep it flowing, keep it efficient Mark Welsko, WES Chief Technology Officer for WES.net said C-level executives tend to look at energy management from the vantage point of MSO-wide budgets and the desire to be green, which has both actual and public relations value.
SCTE 184 2015: SCTE ENERGY MANAGEMENT OPERATIONAL PRACTICES FOR CABLE FACILITIES SCTE 184 provides guidelines for design and management of mission-critical hub site facilities supporting the cable industry. SCTE 184 focuses on information, methods, metrics, and processes that balance operational energy efficiency and management with essential business availability requirements and infrastructure investment. This guideline leverages existing industry best practices for smart energy use in vital cable edge facilities and applies these to the specific characteristics and requirements of cable systems hub sites. WES.net is a member of the SCTE Standards Organization and was one of the committee members contributing to the production of this Standard.