Enhanced Resiliency Facilities
Resilient Adaptive Modular Microgrid Solutions (RAMMS™)
RAMMS™ combines localized microgrid components into a protective environment. With advanced monitoring, analysis, command and control capability, the island type grid is connected via an out of band protected network. These resiliency solutions are deployed geographically, operating independently, although maintain full knowledge and interaction with their peer systems.
DoD, emergency operations, public utilities, private sector enterprises, and civilian organizations all depend on a trusted and reliable supply of energy and information to remain functional. Recent natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, fires) have made it evident that a long-term outage of the commercial power grid will be devastating to the continuity of operations. Additional threats from manmade and natural phenomena (EMPs or GMDs) have been studied, documented and understood.
The system approach developed with the RAMMS™ solution is a pathway forward utilizing building blocks with day one (1) effectiveness and expansion of coverage as the deployment progresses.
- Microgrid components with desired onsite generation at needed kW
- Self-contained EPMS system for command and control
- Base out of band communications
- EPMS connectivity to adjacent facilities for data collection and analysis capabilities

The RAMMS™ System and Methodology are protected by patents, patents pending or by registered design. RAMMS™ is a Trademark of Instant Access Networks, LLC.