Upcoming Events

 Joe Magno of WES.net presented an informative virtual presentation on the evolving implementation of microgrids as they relate to utility and non-utility stakeholders in the developing environment of energy as a service in mission critical facilities. 



Knowledge is power when implementing a Microgrid soluton

Key take-aways:

Standardization & integration of multiple systems is critical; avoid cross platform dissonance; resilient adaptive microgrids enable continuity of operations; immediate & continuous real time situational awareness via command management systems allow for enhanced protection modes. 

September 23-26

 Join WES.net in Salt Lake City for North America Smart Energy Week, featuring a live working microgird that powers a part of the convention hall show floor.

September 30-October 3

WES.net heads to New Orleans for Cable-Tec Expo.  Raising the bar on technology, participate in a unique virtual learning experience on microgrids.